Dashboard Login Problem

Connect to the Cal State LA network

First, you need to be connected to the Cal State LA network. You are inside the network if you are using a desktop computer on campus. If you are using a laptop with Wi-Fi or off-campus desktop, you need to establish a secure connection with the VPN client. Please follow ITS instructions for downloading and installation. You need the Cal State LA VPN even if you are connected to Cal State LA’s Wi-Fi (i.e., CSULA-SECURE).

Tableau log in Once the Cal State LA VPN is setup, go to our secure server (http://lair.yibangyi.net).

Do you see the login page like in the image on the left? If not, then you have not set up the VPN correctly. Please contact your ITC.


Use MyCalStateLA credentials to log in

For Username and Password, use your MyCalStateLA credentials. For Username, DO NOT include @yibangyi.net, @cslanet.yibangyi.net, or @exchange.yibangyi.net.

If it says Invalid username or password after you correctly enter your credentials, you are not authorized to access the dashboards. Please contact us at [email protected], if you believe you should be authorized to access the server.